
The last theme party before summer had the theme “fairy tales” a whole bunch of people decided to be trolls! Since we are Swedish our trolls were the John Bauer kind of trolls.

troll - in progress, back
troll - in progress, front
The outfit is made out of burlap (lined in cotton for comfort) and Swedish Gotland sheepskin (it is really different from what most of the worlds sheep, it is shiny, curly and pretty) it opens in front with lacing in the top and the skirt part closes by the skirt overlapping in the front.

troll - front
When the sewing was finished it looked all shiny and new.

troll - side
troll - back
Here you can see the tail that I also made, wire covered in foam and then covered in shaved sheepskin. Then on the end I put a piece of long haired sheepskin.

troll - necklace
I made a necklace, a bit of “found in caves and stolen from humans”.

troll - front finished
troll - side finished
troll - back finished
troll - front close up
troll - close up
troll - close up dirt
Since trolls live in the woods I needed to make it a bit more dirty, leather colour and real dirt.

troll - close up, sleeve
Some moss in the sheepskin.

troll - close up
troll -  back close up
troll - close up, leaf
And some hot glued moss on the dress to, like I have been living in the forest so long that moss have started to grow on me.

troll - me and M
Me and M. as trolls, the ears are dried pigs ears that you can buy for dogs as candy :P

troll - group picture
The whole gang, with some random prince sneaking into the picture.